My OKR’s for the last quarter of the year

Sabrina Couto
2 min readOct 10, 2018

It’s incredible but we’re already in October! This means the last quarter of the year just started and I need to set up my personal & professional goals for this last period.

But first, let’s take a look at my goals for the third quarter:

  • Finish one course in IDF: This one I did it. I finished a course on User Research. Now I’m quite close on finishing another one about Usability.
  • Start learning Javascript: Ummm this one I didn’t start it :/. It’s quite difficult for me to find the time to learn fron-end skills because it’s boring but I also know that I’ll be a better designer if I do that.
  • Reading: 3 books and one about design: I only read 2 books and they were not related to design or UX.
  • Writing: Write a post every two weeks: I started doing it but then my life changed, the company where I was working shut down so I had to find another job and now I’m on the first weeks of my new job! So with all of this going on, I didn’t have much time for writing. But here I am, trying to fix it.
  • Kickoff my personal project: I did it but then I didn’t continue. It happened the same as with writing, I put all my focus and time in finding a new job so the rest I left it on hold.

Taking this into consideration, before ending 2018 I would like to accomplish the following:

My OKR’s for Q4

  • Start learning Javascript: Yes, it’s the first one! I’ll definitely try to start looking into it. I don’t want to become an expert so even having some basics will be enough.
  • Writing: Write 2 posts per month. I already made an editorial calendar so I know what I want to write. Now I only have to do it.
  • Reading: Read 4books in total, 2 of them related to UX or design. Now I have almost 2hs of commuting per day so this will definitely help me to achieve this. Up to now, I’m using my commuting for reading.
  • Finish the course about usability in IDF.

That’s all for now. As I always say, it should be doable.

What about you? Do you have any specific goals for Q4? Let me know in the comments.



Sabrina Couto

I'm a Product Design Manager @Moonpig (Greetz in NL). | Chapter Lead of Ladies that UX Amsterdam.